Complaints Procedure
For Cape Town, Durban and Johannesburg the cost will be R3 450.00 excl. VAT. Additional traveling costs outside of the above mentioned will apply.
For the benefit of consumers we suggest the following Complaints Procedure in the unlikely event of dissatisfaction with your new floors or the activities of the installers or suppliers:
- Always ensure that your instructions and concerns are given to the responsible parties in writing.
- Always ensure the contractors statements and recommendations to you are in writing.
- Advise the contractor of any matters that concern you as soon as they occur (remember 1 above).
- Ensure that you quote a date of expected reply when requesting remedial action from the contractor. If the contractor is busy with the work at the time then this could be immediate.
- If there is no response by the expected date when there is a material/product defect, refer the problem to the manufacturer/supplier of the material, again with an expected response deadline.
- Should there be no response or should you be dissatisfied with the response, contact SAWLFA with the details and history.
Please be aware that the Association takes no responsibility for any work or product supplied. SAWLFA will endeavour to resolve the problems and will give advice and guidelines as to what course of action you should follow. We offer the service of inspecting the work and issuing an unbiased opinion. The cost of this service is R2,700.00 plus VAT which has to be paid in advance. Should this inspection indicate a fault by one of our members, we would expect, but cannot force, that member to reimburse the cost of the inspection in addition to making good. We urge you to employ the services of a SAWLFA accredited dealer and installer. This web site can be used to view a list of members. We also urge you to ask for and check references of installers and dealers.